Cree LED Technology
The energy efficient miniature marvel that is transforming lighting performance.
Cree have been a market-leading innovator of lighting products and LED devices. Founded in 1987 by researchers from North Carolina State University, Cree has expanded exponentially from their base in Durham, North Carolina, into a multi-national premium manufacturer of Light-Emitting Diodes (LED’s). What’s more, they have made notable breakthroughs in lighting technology along the way!
For instance, Cree have innovated materials such as silicon carbide (SiC), that provide a highly-efficient performance for various semiconductor applications. Recently, Cree have pioneered a new form of LED bulb. The new bulb manages to project the same amount of powerful light as previous models, yet it remains the same size and uses fewer LED’s. In fact, the latest Cree technology bulbs project double the amount of light and run for 50,000 hours longer than the standard industry LED bulb.
Consequently, this revolutionary bulb has been praised as a cost-effective breakthrough, preventing the need for expensive bulb replacement costs due to unexpected failures. Furthermore, Cree technology can boast genuine energy-efficiency. For instance, the latest technology devised by Cree only generates minimal heat within an LED bulb while simultaneously conserving battery life and energy. Impressive, not to mention versatile, CREE’s bulbs are a superior choice on the market today.
With a proven track record of innovation within the lighting products market, having consistently exceeded industry standards for brightness and efficiency, Cree were the obvious choice to supply the bulbs for the AP ProSeries range. Commenting on Cree technology, Sales Director for Active Products Ted McLoughlin had this to say:“The Cree LED microchip offers incredible white light clarity, outperforming any other traditional torch or spotlight. Now our professional range of torches have outstanding energy efficiency, brilliant pure white light, great beam capability and an amazing lifespan in comparison to a standard, incandescent bulb”.
McLoughlin says the feedback for the latest range of AP ProSeries Torches has been “phenomenal”, and this is due in no small part to AP’s cooperation with Cree and their fantastic LED bulbs.
Cree are leading the LED lighting revolution by making energy wasting traditional lighting technologies obsolete through the use of energy-efficient, environmentally friendly LED lighting. You can save time, money and energy by joining the Cree Lighting revolution today!